Protecting from fraud & financial crime


Banks and companies operating in the financial markets are facing with the risk of financial loss from fraud, money laundering, cyber attacks, internal fraud and operational risks.

To minimize the risks of loss, financial institutions need to constantly improve the protection and monitoring systems, as the methods of fraud and money-laundering evolve rapidly.

DATAS Technology implements a range of services and solutions to protect financial institutions from fraud and financial crimes:

  • Card fraud
  • Digital banking fraud
  • ATMs and POS fraud
  • Anti Money Laundering
  • Internal fraud and operational risks
  • Detection of abnormal activities in the information systems

Depending on the tasks of the customer the DATAS Technology experts design of the system for preventing of financial crime. Services for the implementation of these systems are based on the solutions and products of the world leaders in this field, such as RSA, IBM, Oracle, FICO, ThetaRay, Verint, Vasco.